


Dartford u3a offers a warm welcome to those:

  • no longer in full-time employment,
  • with spare time to fill

We always meet with a purpose. So if you want to:

  • Meet new people
  • join others in activities
  • share current interests
  • revive old interests
  • explore new interests
  • socialise in a friendly environment ...

Why not come and join us?

By joining one of our interest groups you make new friends whilst participating in activities. Some groups like the Sunday Lunch Group are purely social, others involve more active participation but are always social too.

We are:

  • friendly and inclusive,
  • run entirely by our members - everyone helps.

The emphasis is on a desire to share our skills and abilities and have fun learning from one another.

So, what’s stopping you? If you would like to find out more or apply to join, please contact the Membership Secretary.

More information about joining can be found on the membership page using the link Membership